The combat strategy game encourages users to build up its island-nation Empire, recruit friends, and divide and conquer through battles, building, and bargaining. 在该款作战游戏中,用户可以建立岛国帝国,招募盟友,通过战争、重建、以及谈判等方式达到割据和征服的目的。
This approach might be analogous to establishing a stronghold within the code, from which you can launch small sorties of refactoring to divide and conquer the maintainability problems. 这种方法可能与建立代码中的堡垒类似,你可以只执行重构的一小部分,以分割并克服维护性问题。
With the DPF "divide and conquer" processing, scalability can be enhanced within a single server ( scaling up) or across a cluster of servers ( scaling out). 通过DPF“分治”的处理,可伸缩性可在单一服务器(纵向扩展)或跨服务器集群(横向扩展)中获得增强。
During this effort, use a divide and conquer approach at all levels of granularity. 在“使它运行”过程中,请对所有级别的粒度使用分而治之的办法。
Tackling large legacy code bases: divide and conquer 追踪大型合理代码基底:分割和克服
So unless something is done to divide and conquer the state space, systems become unmanageably complex. 因此,除非有什么可以分治状态空间,否则系统将变得难以控制地复杂。
Even if the application is not well-written, it should be possible to employ some form of divide and conquer strategy. 即使应用程序写得不是很好,也应有可能实施某种形式的分而治之的策略。
Divide and conquer is an excellent strategy to adopt in this stage. 分而治之是这个阶段能采用的一个优秀策略。
Divide and conquer is a nice way of solving the problem and making the problem manageable. 分治是解决问题并使问题可管理的极好方法。
If your application uses recursion extensively to divide and conquer large problems, set the depth "deeper" accordingly. 如果应用程序大量使用递归隔离并解决较大的问题,则需要把深度相应地设定得“更低”。
Let me reiterate the essence of the introduced architectural approach based on the "divide and conquer" principle. 请允许我重申引入的基于“分治处理”原则的结构方法的精髓。
Divide and conquer using master and affiliated documents 使用主文档和附属文档分割大的文档,并克服大文档的问题
So things that are good candidates for divide And conquer are problems where it's easy to figure out how to divide down, and the combination is of little complexity. 因为适合用分治算法解决的问题,最好是能够简单的将问题进行分解,并且合并的过程不是非常的复杂,只要比线性方案要小。
How do we take a complex program, again, divide and conquer, I feel like a1-trick pony, I keep repeating the same thing over and over again. 同样的先分解再逐个击破,我就像只会一个把戏的小马,我不断重复相同的事情。
And that's because that is a version of a divide and conquer algorithm. 这个想法非常重要,因为这就是分而治之算法的一个版本。
Merge sort takes this idea of divide and conquer, and it does the following: it says let's divide the list in half. 归并排序以如下的步骤使用了分治思想:,把列表分成两半:,下面就是分治。
Study and Applications of divide and conquer algorithm in spatial overlay analysis 空间叠加分析中的分而治之算法研究与应用
"De Gucht has no leverage," one trade analyst remarked. "The Chinese have mastered the art of divide and conquer." “德古赫特没有任何影响力,”一位贸易分析师表示,“中国人精通‘分而治之’之策。”
According to the characteristics and modes of brain physiology and social work division, a multi-population genetic algorithm is presented based on the "divide and conquer" principle. 根据脑生理学和社会分工的特点和方式,提出一类“分而治之”多种群进化算法。
This paper utilizes the "divide and conquer" method, solves the presented model, analyzes the model's problems, and finally points out the future's work. 本文采用了分而治之的方法,对提出的模型进行了求解,并通过分析模型存在的一些问题,指出了下一步的工作。
The name of technique is "divide and conquer". 介绍了算法设计技术分治法的应用。
A improved MASK algorithm by using divide and conquer strategy 基于分治策略的MASK算法的改进
So if I try to apply the same logic, well how can I divide and conquer this problem. 如果我想要用同样的逻辑,那么怎样划分,并解决这个问题呢?
Binary search is perhaps the simplest of the divide and conquer algorithms, and what does that mean? 好了,二分搜索也许是,最简单的分治算法,这意味着什么?
Divide and conquer to make our programs modular so we can write them a little piece at a time and understand them a little piece at a time. 我们把程序分解为模块逐个击破,以便我们能一次写一小段,一次理解一点儿,现在我觉得。
On China's financial supervision is concerned, I think that in theory there is no conclusion that the all-around and divide and conquer what kind of better. 就我国的金融监管而言,我认为在理论上现在还没有定论说全能型和分而治之哪一种更好。
They are null space parallel algorithm, Greville parallel algorithm and divide and conquer parallel algorithm. 它们是零空间并行方法,Greville并行算法和分而治之并行算法。
This paper presents a new divide and conquer algorithm for the eigenvalue problem of symmetric tridiagonal matrices. 关于对称三对角矩阵特征值问题,本文提出一种新的分治算法。
This course scheduling system have a combination of divide and conquer, greedy method, backtracking three ideas. 本排课系统结合了分治法、贪婪法、回溯法三者的思想。
The tiling problem is discussed mainly and a divide and conquer method is presented. 主要对Tiling问题进行了研究,并提出了一个分而治之的算法,在很大程度上减轻了因为轮廓线不相似产生的曲面扭曲。